Flowplumb plumbing

Terms of Use

FlowPlumb SystemsTM, the publisher of flowplumb.com, respects your privacy. Any information that you give us is held with the utmost care and will not be used other than as described in this privacy policy.

Information Collection

We will collect personal information from you only when it is specifically and knowingly provided by you. Details of your personal information are collected by FlowPlumb SystemsTM, whose address is: 36 Market Square, Toddington, LU5 6BS, Dunstable, UK.

Information Use

Your personal information will be used and accessed only by FlowPlumb SystemsTM who use this information for the purpose of replying to your specific questions about our services and products, or for attending to your requests from flowplumb.com. We will not share your personal information with anyone else, unless it is to respond to law enforcement requests or is required by applicable laws, court orders, or government regulations.

If you have chosen to join our database, we may also use your email address from time to time, to tell you about the latest news from flowplumb.com.

FlowPlumb SystemsTM collects potentially personally identifying information through Google Analytics. FlowPlumb SystemsTM uses Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting features to identify trends in usage of its website, which may be published in reports for internal use. These trends may be used to improve our website service to our users.

Accessing, browsing and downloading material from this site indicates that you accept and agree to abide by these terms of use. While FlowPlumb SystemsTM will try to ensure that the content on this site is current, accurate and complete, it is not a guarantee that such content will be current, accurate or complete when accessing it. FlowPlumb SystemsTM only provides the content on, or accessed through, this site on an "as is" basis. You must make your own assessment of the suitability of the content and/or the services for your own purposes. Users seeking to rely on or verify any content and/or services contained on this site should contact FlowPlumb SystemsTM. We aim to update this site regularly and may change the content at any time.

Electronic Information

You consent to the usage, provision and acceptance of any information, including our latest news or notices, in electronic form in terms of the Electronic Transactions Act 2002.


FlowPlumb SystemsTM only employs session cookies, which are deleted as soon as you leave our site. This cookie stores no personal information nor means of identifying you after you leave the site.


Copyright © 2015 FlowPlumb SystemsTM. All rights reserved. All intellectual property on this site, including without limitation the text, graphics and copyright works is owned by FlowPlumb SystemsTM (or the relevant content supplier). FlowPlumb SystemsTM is the exclusive owner of all rights in the compilation, design and layout of this site.

Links to Other Websites

This website may contain links or references to other websites to which our privacy policy does not apply. We encourage you to read the privacy policy of every website you visit.


Address: 36 Market Square Toddington, Bedfordshire, LU5 6BS, United Kingdom
Phone: (+44) 1582 807 363 / (+44) 1525 634 255
Fax: (+44) 1525 634 266


Email: enquiry@flowplumb.com